Transform Legal

Legal Practice is Changing: Time to Transform.

Legal practice is evolving to improve representation to clients and ensure practitioners are sustained and retained in the profession. Transform Legal uses a combination of training, program development, and consultation to ensure your team is engaging in the most effective, efficient, and sustainable practices. Transform Legal distills key practice points and promotes program development to encourage improved practice. Transform Legal is also committed to advancing practitioners’ self-worth in the profession, aiding sustainability and retention. As part of Transform Legal through Stephanne’s coaching work, she will help individuals harness their best skills and lean into their core self.

  • Transform Legal will train your team on mitigation, social scientific research, and sustainability.

  • Transform Legal focuses on the importance of trauma-informed legal practice and how your team can incorporate it into your work.

  • Program development is a critical aspect of criminal defense work to ensure client-centered representation is efficient and effective.

  • Criminal defense work is challenging and the practice erodes individual ego and purpose. Transform Legal will work with your team to promote sustainability and retention.

  • Stephanne brings decades of experience and an awareness of the high-stakes, adversarial nature of legal work. Her approach to coaching is to optimize cognitive fitness by better managing stress and identifying one’s core self.